Police and council patrols have been stepped up at a County Durham cemetery after reports of dogs pooing in between graves.

The increased police and council activity has been taking place at Pelton Cemetery following the concerning reports, which began at the start of the month. 

Following the incident, the Durham County Council warden department has warned dog owners of letting their dogs off the lead and failing to clean up after their pets.

The Northern Echo: Pelton CemeteryPelton Cemetery (Image: DURHAM COUNTY COUNCIL WARDENS)

In a statement from the wardens, a spokesperson said: "Neighbourhood Warden 75 has been conducting patrols in Pelton Cemetery after reports of owners allowing their dogs off their lead and fouling.

"Under the Public Space Protection Order, it is an offence to allow your dog to foul without picking it up and it is also an offence to have your dog off the lead in a cemetery. If you are seen, you will be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice."

Wardens that are patrolling the area have urged members of the public to report incidents at the cemetery if they see them.

This isn't the first dog poo-related incident that's happened in County Durham this year. 

In April this year, residents were left furious after a "bin-load" of dog poo was left strewn across a County Durham town's pathway.

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Many Seaham residents were left furious and disgusted after a picture emerged online last month (March 15) showing the path, located near Seaham Golf Course, littered with bags full of dog muck.

One resident questioned who would do this and said it looked like someone had emptied a "bin-load onto the path."

In the image, more than a dozen bags of waste could be seen dumped in the middle of the path, with some have been burst and smeared on the ground.