A SCHOOL bus has been removed from the roads after distressed children and parents reported exhaust fumes inside the vehicle on the school run.

The bus that takes children from Richmondshire villages including Dalton, Newsham and Kirby Hill to Ravensworth Primary School was reportedly "filled with smoke" when it dropped pupils off on Wednesday morning.

One parent, who did not wish to be named, said he did not allow his son to get on the bus but drove him instead.

He said: "When we arrived at school, children were getting off the bus in tears, one seemed to be having an asthma attack.

"I can't understand how the driver allowed children to get on when it seemed to be full of smoke and fumes, it's dangerous."

Hodgsons Coach Operators Ltd, which operates the service under a North Yorkshire County Council contract, was approached for comment.

Catherine Price, the authority’s contract and commissioning manager, said: “The wellbeing of children using our services is of the utmost importance, so following concerns raised by some parents the operator immediately took this vehicle in for inspection.

"We are awaiting a full inspection report from the company, but the initial feedback from them is that no faults have been identified with the vehicle. However, as a precaution, the vehicle has been taken off the school run."