A FAMILY fun day saw generations gather together to celebrate the Easter story in a Darlington church.

Children, parents and grandparents alike watched a performance depicting Mary and and a Roman soldier telling the audience about the cross and the tomb left empty by Jesus.

The Easter bunny also paid a visit to the Elim Pentecostal Church, off Bowman Street, as part of the annual community date.

Church member Adele Barnett said: “Children went home with lots of goodies including Easter gardens they had made, Easter bonnets and Easter comics.

“The Mayor had the difficult role of judging the Easter bonnet competition and the enjoyable role of handing out lots of Easter eggs to raffle winners.

“It was a fantastic start to the Easter holidays and a very enjoyable way to celebrate Easter with the local community.”

Elim Pentecostal Church run a number of regular groups including a toddler group, youth club and 55+ coffee morning.

The next large community event will be the annual Summer Community Fun Day in July in North Park. For more information, visit elim-darlington.org.uk