The Conservative party has unveiled its election manifesto which Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says will provide a "secure future".

But what does the manifesto say about the North East?

The Northern Echo has gone through the document, picking out the policy areas that make reference to the region which is mentioned by name twice among its 76 pages.

The first of which is on the matter of energy security.

Sunak's party have pledged to "Treble our offshore wind capacity, to deliver low-cost, home-grown energy and support the development of vibrant industrial clusters in places like the North East of England, Scotland and Wales."

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(Image: PA Images)

Further plans include the construction of the first two carbon capture and storage clusters in North Wales, the North West of England, Teesside and the Humber.

The Conservative Party says that the development could create tens of thousands of job opportunities in these regions.

The manifesto proclaims to dedicate £1.1 billion to the Green Industries Growth Accelerator. This fund will support British manufacturing, stimulate supply chains and ensure the energy transition is 'Made in Britain'.

The Conservative party also has committed to supporting British steel production and will continue working to support steel production in Scunthorpe and the North East of England if elected to government.

"We will continue working to support production in Scunthorpe and the North East of England, securing the future of steelmaking across the UK".

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Alongside their energy and industrial agendas, the Tories intend to streamline what they see as 'government bureaucracy'.

They plan to move 25,000 more civil servants out of London, citing previous schemes like the Darlington Economic Campus.

Lastly, the party pledges to empower communities through devolution.

By 2030, they aim to offer their 'level 4' devolution powers to regions with a directly elected leader, beginning with the Tees Valley.