The family of a loving mother-of-four who was brutally murdered by her estranged husband’s jealous rage have spoken of their heartache.

Sally Turner suffered almost 70 knife wounds when Harry Turner launched his ‘murderous attack’ when she received a sexual text message from her new lover.

The grandmother was described as the heart of the family as her daughters and stepson laid bare the impact her murder had had on them when Turner cruelly and violently ended her life.

The pain and suffering Turner caused to Sally’s family and friends was highlighted in a series of powerful victim personal statements read out to Newcastle Crown Court.

The Northern Echo: Sally TurnerSally Turner

Ronnie Beamish, Sally’s daughter and mother of two of her grandchildren, said her life will never be the same following the brutal murder.

She said: “When my mum Sally was taken away from us very suddenly, and in such a cruel manner, I can’t put into words the devastating effect it has had and will continue to have on myself, my children, and my siblings.

“My mum was my rock, she was the person that I expected to be around forever, to be there for me and my children, give me guidance and support, love and friendship.

“Harry took that all away as she is no longer with us. The life I once had is no more and it will never be the same again.”

Ricky Turner, Harry’s son, said the loss of his stepmother had had a devastating impact on his life.

He added: “She was like a best friend to me as well as being an amazing mother to me, which I have never had before.

“Since June 2022, I have really suffered with my mental health because of this. It has deeply affected my social and work life.

“I find it difficult to concentrate on the little things or to even complete daily activities without struggle.”

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Another of Sally’s children, Sue Beamish added: “When you ended Sally’s life so brutally, her life was not the only one you destroyed.

“You destroyed the lives of her four children and grandchildren. The ripples of the devastation are both far and wide and will always be in the background of their lives.”

Turner was convicted of Sally’s murder for the second time after his original conviction was overturned at the Court of Appeal.

The postman exploded into a jealous rage and repeatedly stabbed Sally to death in her daughter's County Durham home on June 22, 2022.

He was sentenced to life imprisonment and told he would serve a minimum of 18 years before he could be considered for parole.