Plans for a new McDonald’s drive-thru in a North East town have been met with objections by residents.

The plans would see the new restaurant erected on Yarm Road in Stockton, adjacent to the existing supermarket.

A McDonald’s spokesperson said the site would bring 120 new jobs to the area, and inject millions into the local economy.

Andrew Crewther, senior acquisition surveyor at McDonald's, said: “We’re excited to start sharing our plans for a new McDonald’s restaurant to the Stockton community. This development would deliver over 120 new, local jobs, and provide a multi-million-pound investment into the local economy, at a time of economic uncertainty.

“The site, located off Yarm Road, is ideally placed to serve residents and visitors in Stockton. We’re confident that residents and local businesses will recognise the value of greater choice, and the benefits of having a reliable and convenient restaurant from a recognised brand serving food at reasonable prices.

“We’re looking forward to working closely with the community and receiving feedback on our plans. We’d like to encourage everyone interested to go to our website and make their views known.”

Residents have expressed concerns about the potential development – chief among these worries are increased littering, traffic, and antisocial behaviour.

Craig Stockton, of West End Way, Stockton, said: “This development would add more congestion to the local area, I have already had numerous near misses with cars jumping red lights at the traffic lights.
“There are already local fast food outlets within walking distance for local use and others within short driving distance.
“There are already volunteers that pick up rubbish thrown from cars, and I don't doubt that there will be more if this development goes ahead.
“It is also a fact that fast food outlets attract antisocial behaviour, especially if it is a 24-hour outlet, there are volunteers patrolling the estates now, as the police are too busy and stretched.
“I wholeheartedly object to this development.”

Ian Stockburn, of Clyde Grove, Stockton, said: “I fear that this development would attract antisocial behaviour and have a major impact on traffic volume in the area.

“I fear that the access into and out of the Queens Gate Estate will be affected at peak times.

“As a local resident, I strongly object to a McDonalds being built at this location.”

Katie Barlow, of Pictor Close, said: “This is an absolutely horrific idea. In the middle of a residential area between two housing estates is not the place to put a McDonald's. Some people will literally back out onto it meaning their privacy is gone.

“The smells will be awful, and the noise from late night and early morning deliveries will be unbearable for those close to it. The light pollution will be terrible especially if it is open 24 hours.

“This junction is already dangerous with plenty of people jumping red lights. This will only make it worse, with families walking with their children or pets being at even more of a risk.

"The traffic backs up currently at busy times, so this will make it even worse. Not to mention the increased pollution to local residents from increased traffic.

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“This idea will be a complete headache for residents and I believe the negatives far outweigh any positives of jobs.

“Build it somewhere else that isn't in such close proximity to people's homes, then there will still be the creation of jobs, but not at the expense of affecting people's lives.”

The Northern Echo have contacted Stockton Borough Council and McDonald’s for more information.