The devastated family of a man who died from stab wounds after an alleged attack at a business park have paid tribute to their ‘gentle giant’.

Father-of-three Andrew Darn, who was 35, died on Wednesday following an incident at the Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate in North Shields.

Now the keen carp fisherman’s family have shared some heartfelt words in his memory.

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Stephanie, who has been Andrew’s partner since he was 17 years old, said: “He’s my best friend. I’ve lost my best friend, my other half.

“My heart hurts. I’ve got this pain in my chest since I was told, and I don’t know what to do to make it go away.

“I don’t want to get out of bed, but I had to for the kids.

“We’ve lost everything. Andrew was our whole world, as we were his.

“He is gone too soon, and we loved him. It’s not fair on the kids.

Andrew’s mam and dad shared how his brother, Nathan, would call Andrew his ‘brother bear’, and how he worked away with his dad, Michael, for over 12 years.

They said he was well-liked and respected by everyone he met.

The Northern Echo: Andrew Darn Andrew Darn (Image: Contributor)Most read:

Andrew’s mam, Deborah, said: “We just can’t believe he’s been taken from us.

“His babies don’t know where he is.”

Andrew leaves behind his partner of 18 years, along with their three young children, his parents, a brother, a sister, and his grandmother.

The Northern Echo:

They continue to be supported by specialist officers at this time.

Alder Willis, 68, of Allanville, Camperdown, North Tyneside, appeared at Newcastle Magistrates' Court charged with murder and possession of a pointed article.

Willis was remanded into custody and is due to appear at Newcastle Crown Court next month.