Plans have been lodged to bring a “derelict building” back into use as a new six-bedroom house in multiple occupation (HMO) in Hartlepool.

Proposals have been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council planning department to convert the property at 127 Thornton Street into an HMO to accommodate up to six people.

HMOs refer to properties such as a house split into separate bedsits, a shared house/flat or a hostel.

The application from KHL Properties outlines how the existing site is a large residential property, which is currently vacant, but would be converted to provide six bedrooms, all with en-suite bathrooms.

The Northern Echo:

A communal kitchen and dining area would also be provided, along with a yard to store bins and keep up to six bikes.

A planning statement in support of the proposals says the development would refurbish a “derelict building” in the Victoria ward and bring it back into use.

It said: “Due to the high proportion of households in this ward being occupied by a single person, there should be demand for HMO properties in the area, which could house individuals in far more affordable accommodation.

“This would be for the benefit of that individual or the local authority, whilst freeing up larger properties for families.”

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It also claims the plans would provide “living accommodation for local residents” as well as offering a “base for the increased numbers of contractors that will be attracted to the area due to the ongoing regeneration of the Teesworks site”.

A decision is expected to be made on the proposals by the end of March.

To comment on the application visit the council planning portal online and search reference number H/2023/0429.