A quad biker has been left red-faced after being humiliated by Durham Police online. 

After being caught by police officers at the end of last week near Durham City, the driver was then called out by the police force for having the 'ugliest quad bike'. 

The quad bike driver was initially caught after he was ripping up green areas around Meadowfield, near Durham, on Friday (February 2), as well as driving dangerously on the roads. 

After it was found that he was disqualified from driving, officers who were called out to the scene seized the vehicle - but that wasn't the end of it. 

Following the incident, Durham City Police took to social media to stick the boot in and showcase the vehicle that they had seized - poking fun at the vehicle and its rider. 

In a social media post, the police team said: "This strange piece of engineering was causing havoc around Meadowfield today, ripping up the green areas and driving dangerously on the roads.

"Not only was the rider disqualified from driving he was also causing himself serious embarrassment by riding such a ridiculous machine.

"Officers from our Durham Roads and Armed Policing Team and the Framwellgate Moor and Meadowfield Neighbourhood team were deployed to the area and thankfully captured the rider and seized the vehicle.

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"The quad will be crushed and the rider has been reported for all the driving offences he has committed."

Not content with sharing the nature of the incident, the police team further insulted the vehicle - by declaring it the 'ugliest quad bike they had ever seized.'

The post added: "Our actions have helped to restore law and order in the community but unfortunately we won't be able to restore any credibility to the rider, he will always be known as the lad who was caught riding the ugliest quad we have ever seen."