The manager of Darlington's new art gallery, Changes, has been "encouraged" by positive feedback during their first week open.

Diane Patterson wanted to open a new art gallery and shop to empower North East artists.

She hopes that by selling more affordable artwork by emerging artists it will help elevate their profiles.

Changes opened to the public on September 28 and after just one week of being open on Skinnergate the reception they have had from shoppers has been really positive.

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Diane said: "It's been very well received. Everyone comes in saying that it's a good idea and it's encouraging that these people are seeing how lovely it is.

"We are displaying a lot of developing North East artists' work. 

"We have taken on a three-year lease here, we are here to stay."

The Northern Echo: Diane Patterson

The mix of art styles in the gallery and shop means that artists of all disciplines can have a place to display their best pieces.

Both Diane and her husband are hoping that the shop and grants will help support emerging talents in the region to flourish.

Their aim is to start building an artistic hub in Darlington.

She added: "There are so few places where artists can show their work and then get a reasonable rate through any sales.

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"The business model is that we don't actually get a great deal of money.

"It's about supporting artists, we are trying to create an art community hub.

"We want to get new artists grants and we will be sharing all the tips to help them sell their products.