A couple are each facing potential prison sentences after admitting dealing in the class B stimulant amphetamines.

Andrew Gleaves and Chantelle Malcolm were arrested after police raided their home in Horden, executing a magistrates’ bench warrant, on Friday July 14.

Officers recovered a quantity of drugs, which on examination was confirmed to be amphetamines, and about £500 in cash, suspected to be the proceeds of their illegal trade.

They both appeared at a plea hearing at Durham Crown Court yesterday (Tuesday August 15).

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Each appeared via video link from the respective prisons where they are on remand, Gleaves from HMP Durham and Malcolm from HMP Low Newton.

Both 45-year-old Gleaves and Malcolm, 33, pleaded guilty to charges of possessing a class B drug with intent to supply and possession of criminal property, the seized money, knowing or suspecting it to be in part or wholly the proceeds of criminal conduct.

Peter Sabiston, for Malcolm, said it was her first taste of custody, while Chris Baker, for Gleaves, said he is subject of a community order at the moment and it may be of interest what the Probation Service view is, as to the latest offence.

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Recorder Jamie Hill agreed and asked for probation reports on both defendants prior to passing sentence.

He asked the court liaison probation officer for an “all options” approach to both reports.

Recorder Hill told Gleaves and Malcolm: “You will be given credit for your guilty pleas to these two offences.

“I don’t know what the sentences will be, but the court needs to know more about your circumstances.

“I understand you, Andrew Gleaves, have been on a community order, so the court will need an update on that to be able to consider all the options for sentence, including custody.

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“For you Chantelle Malcolm, it’s the first time you have been to custody, so it’s even more important that the court has more information as to the best option for you.

“I’m not making any promises, but all sentencing options will be considered when you are back before the court for sentence.”

He remanded both Gleaves and Malcolm, of Seventh Street, Horden, to remain in custody pending sentence, on Friday September 8.