A five-year-old girl has suffered 'significant' injuries to her face after she was attacked by a dog on Saturday evening.

The youngster was badly bitten outsiude of Nisa on Norton Road in Stockton at around 6.30pm.

Emergency services were called and she was rushed to hospital for urgent treatment.

Read more: Child bitten by dog on Norton Road in Stockton

A spokesman for Cleveland Police said: "Officers attended the scene within minutes of the report being called in and provided medical assistance to the girl whilst waiting for the ambulance.

"The girl has suffered significant injuries to her face and is receiving treatment in hospital.

"The owner of the dog remained at the scene following the attack and co-operated with police. The dog has been seized.

"We would politely ask people not post photos relating to the incident and to avoid speculating on social media whilst officers continue with their investigation."

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A spokesperson for North East Ambulance Service said: “We were called at 6.25pm yesterday (August 12) to reports of an incident involving a dog bite in the Norton area of Stockton.

"We dispatched a paramedic crew who treated one patient with facial injuries before transporting to hospital."