A 37-year-old man has appeared in court charged with murder after a 54-year-old died over the Easter weekend.

David Thompson-Love, 37, appeared before Teesside Magistrates Court on Easter Monday (April 10).

Officers were called to a property in Oakrise in Ormesby, Middlesbrough at about 7pm on Good Friday (April 7) where a 54-year-old man, who is yet to be named, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Read more: First pictures after man dies and emergency services attend North East address

Thompson-Love was arrested and questioned as part of inquiries over the weekend.

Crime scene investigators were seen carrying out forensic examinations before detectives formally charged him with murder on Sunday.

The Northern Echo: Crime scene investigators worked at the sceneCrime scene investigators worked at the scene (Image: Michael Robinson)

He appeared before Magistrates this morning (Monday, April 10) where, due to the severity of the alleged crime, the case was sent to Teesside Crown Court on Wednesday (April 12) and no plea was entered.

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He was remanded in custody pending the hearing on Wednesday.

A spokesperson for Cleveland Police previously said: "Our thoughts remain with [the victim’s] family at this difficult time.

"Enquiries are on-going and we would again appeal for anyone with information/dashcam/doorbell or CCTV footage which could assist to contact Cleveland Police."