Northumbria Police have formally appointed Vanessa Jardine as the force's next Chief Constable at the Police and Crime Panel after being selected as the preferred candidate by Police & Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness last week.

Jardine will take over from current Chief Constable Winton Keenen when he retires next March at the end of a distinguished career spent entirely with Northumbria Police.

Having starting his career as a Pc on the beat in Sunderland in 1985 he was honoured on last year's New Year's Honours list with the Queen's Police Medal for Distinguished Service.

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Vanessa Jardine is currently Deputy Chief Constable at West Midlands Police who she joined after 25 years' service at Greater Manchester Police (GMP) where she became the force lead for domestic abuse, child protection and child sexual exploitation.

In 2016 Jardine spent time on secondment from GMP at Northumbria Police as a Temporary Assistant Chief Constable.

Vanessa said: “I am delighted to get the opportunity to build on the great work by the current Chief Constable – and the rest of the Force – as was evident in the positive HMICFRS inspection results.”

Speaking of her previous stint in the North East, she added: “What I remember most is how fantastic the people were. Everyone was very friendly and made me feel so welcome.

“The North East is one of the most vibrant places to live, work and visit and has a great police force. I am really looking forward to coming back.”

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuinness, said: “I congratulate Vanessa on her appointment as Chief Constable.

“She not only brings with her a wealth of experience from a successful and varied career in policing, but she is determined to push Northumbria to be the very best it can be.

“She is a well-liked and highly regarded officer and as a leader she will be ambitious, inspiring and inclusive. There’s no denying we face difficult times ahead but I am confident she is up to the challenge.

“Together, we’ll look to build on the Force’s strengths while tackling areas for improvement head on.

“I look forward to seeing what the next chapter in the fight against crime brings and offer Vanessa a warm welcome to Northumbria Police.”

Cllr Angela Douglas, Chair of the Police and Crime Panel, said: “Vanessa’s passion for policing and for the communities in the Northumbria area was evident to Members of the Panel.  Vanessa impressed us with her forthright commitment to public service and delivering for local people.”

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Councillor Douglas added: “Vanessa has a wealth of experience and knows the challenges ahead for us including finance and increasing demand.  I have no doubt that she is the right person to lead the Force.”