A yellow weather warning has been issued for tomorrow (Wednesday, October 5) as parts of the North East are expected to be battered by high winds.

The Met Office says there is a chance of a deep low pressure system bringing gusts of 70 to 80mph to some northern parts of the UK tomorrow.

Officals say that should this develop, disruption would be expected.

However, the most likely scenario is for gusts of 55 to 65mph within parts of the warning area, most likely areas adjacent to the northern Irish Sea and parts of eastern Scotland.

The Met Office says there is a small chance that some roads and bridges could close and a slight chance that power cuts may occur, with the potential to affect other services, such as mobile phone coverage.

The Northern Echo: This map shows the area covered by the yellow weather warnings Picture: Met OfficeThis map shows the area covered by the yellow weather warnings Picture: Met Office (Image: Met Office)

People are also warned to avoid coastal areas under the warning locations due to the possible danger of waves crashing over seafronts and flinging debris.

In addition, heavy rain may prove an additional hazard particularly over southwest Scotland.

The warning covers most of Scotland, Wales and part of the UK including the following areas of the North East; Durham, Gateshead, Newcastle, Tyneside, Northumberland, South Tyneside and Sunderland.

North Yorkshire, Teesside and Hartlepool do not come under the warning area, though there may still be higher winds than normal in these areas tomorrow.

The Northern Echo: High winds could make coastal areas dangerous Picture: PixabayHigh winds could make coastal areas dangerous Picture: Pixabay (Image: Pixabay)

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