THE victim of a spiking incident has spoken of the “worst three months of my life” after an anxious wait before receiving the all clear from doctors.

Craig Campbell Tosh, from Darlington, issued an emotional and impactful plea in November, warning people could die from similar attacks after he revealed the devastating and life-changing impact it had on him. 

The 48-year-old proud family man and successful businessman issued the stark warning as part of a heart-breaking testimony where he said he was injected with a needle containing an unknown substance, which “hit me like a sledgehammer”.

A video where he explained his experience was viewed over 60,000 times.

He waited three months before taking tests to find out whether he has contracted any diseases from the injection. And last week he emotionally revealed he was negative for any diseases.

“After a three month wait from my spiking - the worst three months of my life - today I got my results back and they were clear and all ok,” he said.

“It’s been a strange day with anger, relief, and a few tears (thus no video this time) never felt such a feeling when I received that message and then spoke to the nurse.

“Just want to say thank you to everyone that has messaged, texted, called and just bumped into me and given me so much support far too many to mention.”

Read more: Darlington man recalls harrowing spiking experience in Newcastle bar

The father-of-one said the incident caused him to collapse and lose control of his body. He continues to feel the effects of the incident weeks later and has been prescribed tablets by his doctor

“I changed very rapidly as a person in front of my friends and my wife. I didn’t realise what had gone on,” he said when recalling the incident at a bar in Newcastle. 

After spending days trying to piece together his night finding out how he deteriorated so quickly it was not until Mr Campbell Tosh discovered blood on his T-shirt and a bruise on his body when he realised he had been the victim of spiking through a needle injection. 

He said: “It’s the worst feeling I’ve ever had in my life. You feel vulnerable, you feel violated. 

“I don’t know what that person stuck in my body. All I know is I lost total control of my body.”

Read more: More than 80 spiking incidents in County Durham reported during the last six months

In a stark message to his attacker, Mr Campbell Tosh said he wants to see the person go through the pain and trauma he has suffered. 

“I wish I could find the lad who stuck the needle in me,” he added. 

“I wouldn’t hurt him but I’d stick a needle in him and give him a week from hell, and three months of hell waiting for the results. 

“You’re going to kill someone. Whatever you stuck in me that night, I have no doubt it would have killed someone half my size. It hit me like a sledgehammer.”

The Northern Echo: The father-of-one said the incident caused him to collapse and lose control of his body. Picture: SARAH CALDECOTTThe father-of-one said the incident caused him to collapse and lose control of his body. Picture: SARAH CALDECOTT

The Northern Echo: Craig Campbell Tosh discovered a bruise days after the initial incident. Picture: Craig Campbell ToshCraig Campbell Tosh discovered a bruise days after the initial incident. Picture: Craig Campbell Tosh

Mr Campbell Tosh pleaded with friends on social media to share his experience far and wide, while schools and colleges contacted him to help launch safety awareness campaigns.

He added: “Lots of things have happened since my spiking and still lots going on as I am determined to make a difference.

“One last thing to my beautiful wife Lee and my Son Archie, thank you so much for being there through this and allowing me the time and space to deal with it. Love you both more than ever, thank you all so much.”


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