Dr Zak Uddin answers your health questions.

Q I had unprotected sex with another man and am very worried about the chance of HIV. What can I do?

Steven, 21

A If this person is a casual acquaintance or somebody you do not know, you should have post exposure prophylaxis (PEP), but ideally it needs to be given within 72 hours of having unprotected sex.

This is the same treatment a healthcare professional gets after a needle stick injury if there concern about the risk of HIV transmission.

Any sexual health clinic should be able to assist you, with most having same day walk-in slots.

They will also be able to screen for other STIs.

Pre-exposure Prophlaxis (PreP) is now being trialled across many centres in the UK and involves the same medicine which you either take every day, or before any high risk sexual encounter.

However, for peace of mind, most doctors would still advise condoms as well.

Q I had a heart attack four weeks ago. It came out of the blue. I had always been fit and well and had no warning signs. I had excellent treatment at the hospital and was well enough to go home after two days. I now find myself very teary and reluctant to even leave the house.

Violet, 74

A What you’re describing is common. An event you weren’t expecting has caught you out of the blue and now you may be spending every day doing almost nothing for fear that even slight exertion may put excess strain on your heart.

However, if you left the hospital in two days, it is likely that the damage to your heart was not severe.

Heart disease is common, and the first sign of it can be a heart attack. However, I would advise you to try to return to normality. The heart’s like any other muscle, and needs to be exercised to keep it healthy. In addition to taking your new medication as prescribed, attending cardiac rehabilitation will introduce you to other people in a similar situation and provide support and greater understanding.

If you have a question for Dr Zak, please email: askdoctorzak@gmail.com

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Dr Uddin’s advice is in good faith and in accordance with accepted evidence. However, this content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should seek advice of a GP, or other qualified health provider, regarding a medical issue.