KIWI Jimmy Gopperth has been tipped to lead by example when Newcastle Falcons look to spring a surprise of enormous proportions and claim back-to-back wins at Saracens tomorrow.

The Falcons know all about the qualities of the reigning Aviva Premiership champions, who head into the fixture in great form after winning five of their last six matches.

But there is greater optimism running through the Tyneside club's squad after claiming a 15-10 triumph over London Wasps last weekend - even if the size of tomorrow's task at Vicarage Road should not be under-estimated.

In the absence of skipper James Hudson, who begins a four-match ban, Falcons boss Alan Tait will be looking to fly-half Gopperth to lift the players on the pitch.

"Jimmy is James' right hand man and they work well together so he is the obvious choice," said Tait. "He will be relishing the opportunity to lead the boys out and he will be looking forward to the challenge, I'm sure.

"He's a No. 10 so he will be used to calling the shots on the field and as captain he will say a few things before the game. Once we are out there I hope there are more leaders and they don't leave it to Jimmy. Guys like Ally Hogg have captained sides and can help Jimmy out."

There will be three changes to the team that overcame Wasps. Chris Pilgrim starts at scrum-half, while James Hall gets the nod at prop and Glen Townson replaces Hudson.

But there will also be changes among the Saracens group. Head coach Mark McCall will name Deon Carstens, lock George Kruis, flanker Andy Saull and wing Joe Maddock in his starting line-up.

Last season the Saracens claimed two victories over their Newcastle counterparts, even though they did have a scare at Kingston Park when Tait's men lost 13-15.

Tait said: "Last week's result was what we needed and the boys showed plenty of heart and spirit. Obviously losing our captain is going to make things difficult as James is a line-out specialist and runs those plays, but it is a great chance for Glen to step up to the plate.

"Saracens have one of the best line-out specialists in the shape of Steve Borthwick and they have a big scrum too. They have a lot of good players in there.

"We know we are massive underdogs but I think last week's win will give us enough confidence to go down there and really have a go."

Newcastle: Tait, Fielden, Uys, Helleur, Shortland, Gopperth, Pilgrim, Shiells, Graham, Hall, Townson, Swinson, R Mayhew, Welch, Hogg. Replacements: M Mayhew, Fearn, Wells, Pennycock, Wilson, Chudley, Goosen, Eves.