IT'S been little over three weeks since Neale Cooper took charge of Hartlepool United for the second time and today, perhaps he could get an indication of progress.

Cooper had only been in the job for a matter of hours when Pools went to Sheffield United and grossly under-performed, losing 3-0.

Danny Wilson's promotion-chasing team steamrollered Pools at Bramall Lane.

Today, in the blue half of the Steel City, Pools are at Sheffield Wednesday.

Their only victory in 11 meetings against The Owls since they started meeting in league and cup in recent years came under Cooper.

That was at Victoria Park in April 2005, when Adam Boyd's hat-trick sunk Wednesday.

Six weeks later, Cooper was gone and Pools lost 4-2 in the League One play-off final.

But since losing at Bramall Lane on New Year's Day, Pools have ended their losing streak at home and kept successive clean sheets.

Spirits have been lifted under Cooper and the boss admitted: "Last time in Sheffield was tough. On the day we didn't perform well enough. I had only been here a couple of days and didn't really know the boys.

"Every day I learn more about the players and their strengths. It was first time being involved again and we have to play a lot better.

"The last two games have been more encouraging and we are out to build on it.''

He added: "It's still early days for me, three weeks, and it takes time, but every day I feel so much more comfortable. And everyone here - the staff from top to bottom - and everyone in the town has been so much helpful to me.

"Hopefully, the boys can respond to what I have asked for. I want more hard work in our play, but think we need to be a bit better and more clinical in the attacking third.''

Cooper has been impressed with his centre-halves and defensive unit in the last couple of games, but knows they will be put to the test this afternoon.

"Defensively we look strong,'' he said. "Big Sam (Collins) and Peter (Hartley), I've been pleased with them. Both full-backs who I've been told hadn't had the best of seasons, have done a good job for me.

"Paul Murray sits in front of the back four and protects, I said he was our best player last week. Paul is coming up to 35, he is a fit boy. But he sits in there deep, stops attacks and protects the defenders.

"He helps them out, it's similar to the role I used to play at Aberdeen, sitting deep and holding.

"I was told he can last maybe 65 to 70 minutes, but he is a fit boy and came through it last weekend and kept battling on.''

"You come in and managers have favourites and I know he was signed by Mick and has been at a few clubs with him but he's been great with myself.

"He has trained well and looks after himself, how he goes about his job on the park, he is influential, talks well and organises well.

Cooper will again be without James Poole today, a hamstring strain has kept him out of the side for the last four games. After seeing the attacker's attributes only on DVD so far, he can't wait to have Poole at his disposal.

"We look at Sheffield Wednesday and their two full-backs like to get on a bit and we may match that,'' he said. "Andy (Monkhouse) comes back in contention. You look back at last week and I said Luke (James) didn't have a great game.

"Then when you think about it then he did alright, harassed them, kept working and kept working.

"It's so frustrating with James Poole, he did it at Oldham and we thought it would be a minor thing. It's about waiting and seeing how he reacts. I've seen a lot of stuff on DVD and it's screaming out for someone like James to be involved.

"He's a wonderful finisher and the goals I've seen him take have been brilliant. We need him back as soon as we can.''