BEING surrounded by familiar faces from Celtic has helped Barry Robson make Middlesbrough his new home from home, but there is one thing missing from his life on Teesside – meat.

Not just any old cuts will satisfy the Scotland international, who has craved a prime piece of Aberdeen Angus ever since making the switch from Glasgow in January.

His beef with the North- East appears to be the quality of its beef.

Robson goes into this afternoon’s Tees-Tyne encounter as Boro’s in-form goalscorer but it’s his qualities as a midfield enforcer that could prove crucial against the likes of Kevin Nolan and Danny Guthrie.

But any plans for a pre-match meal of red meat have been scuppered by his failure to source a supplier who can tempt his Caledonian tastebuds.

“It’s a nice area, we enjoy it. The only problem is I can’t find a butcher anywhere, somewhere to get your fresh Scottish meat, but you cannot get that here, can you? A good Aberdeen Angus, you can’t get it,” he claimed.

“You can get haggis here, but it’s not the proper homemade haggis you can get from a butcher in Scotland.

I’ll stick to the supermarket at the moment, but it’s not the same.

“And another thing, the drinking water’s terrible as well. It’s not the same as Scotland, it’s totally different. So, we’ve got better water than you. The things they don’t tell you before you sign! But you’ve got a lot of good things here as well.”

If Robson can get that fired up about food and drink then Newcastle’s engine room are set for a ding-dong battle this afternoon.

He added: “It’s (play-off hopes) not all over even if we don’t beat Newcastle. We need to concentrate on trying to win and giving the fans something to cheer about. Derbies are sometimes just about who runs the fastest and who jumps the highest and who has the most desire to win on the day.

But sometimes a bit of quality wins it in the end.”

The quality of Newcastle’s squad comes at a price and Robson agrees that the Magpies’ high wage bill means they should expect to top the Championship table.

“Yeah, but it doesn’t always work like that,’’ he said.

“They’ve got some terrific players who are getting paid highly but they’re getting paid highly for a reason, because they are good players.

“Player for player they have got some outstanding talent so we have to combat that by working hard and playing the way we can play.

If we do that we can take something from the game.”

Long-term Robson is planning to continue the tradition of Scottish managers leading English clubs to glory and admitted: “I’m taking my coaching badges in the summer. I’m waiting for Sir Alex Ferguson to leave Man United just in time for me completing my Pro Licence!

“I’d probably like to go into management in the future, it’s something I’ve thought about. Saying that, I’ve seen how hard it is.

“Punditry is far less stressful but I don’t know if I’ve got the face for a pundit.

“There have been some great Scottish managers, there are some still doing a great job at the moment. It’s a long way in the future, though. Let me concentrate on playing first. Maybe I should open a butcher’s shop!”