DANNY Wilson was left to rue his side’s long-standing defensive frailties, despite earning a spot in the third round of the FA Cup on Saturday.

Pools won 3-2 at Conference North side Fleetwood Town, but trailed after 14 minutes and faced an uneasy final 20 minutes after they “allowed”

the home side a second goal.

“Credit to Fleetwood, they came back into it but that was because we allowed them to,’’ he admitted. “Both goals were from long balls through the middle of us and we can’t keep doing it, but we do.

“The same should have been shut out at 3-1, instead it got nervy. It could have been five, six or seven in fairness, but we didn’t convert the chances. It was a very tough tie, there was a hell of a lot to play for. And they showed they meant business by going in front – they were up for a big game.

“We got it back to 1-1, and could have gone in front by half-time. Starting the second half was key to winning.

He added: “It’s been a tough contest, not easy at all.

Comfortable? Far from it because at 3-1 we let them back into the game. It could have been far more comfortable, but they kept going and full credit to them.

“They didn’t surprise me at all, we watched them and we knew what they could do.

“No-one will give us any credit for this. We expected to work hard, we do every game, and this was no exception.

“Scoring to equalise quickly was important – if they had stayed ahead for longer, it would have gave them something to hang onto. But the key to the game was scoring so quickly after the restart.

“I think that helped us and going 3-1 up, we should have killed it. We could have been out of sight then – instead that little bit of quality was missing. Other days we may have been OK, but today we were a bit nervous.’’ Wilson left Richie Jones out to allow him to rest a hamstring strain, leaving Pools one short in naming seven FA Cup substitutes.