MICHAEL Carrick says Emmanuel Latte Lath's success in the second half of the season at Middlesbrough shows why patience is required with new signings.

And the Ivorian's stunning form at the back end of the campaign is also evidence of the benefits that come with a prolonged stretch in the side.

Carrick often talks about the importance of his players developing "connections", which is why the head coach was so calm in the early stages of the season when Boro were struggling for form and results. He was always adamant that with time things would click into place.

That was certainly the case with Latte Lath, who had the first half of his first season on Teesside disrupted by injury and struggled for rhythm. But he put those frustrations behind him in quite emphatic fashion in the stages of the campaign, scooping the Championship's Player of the Month award in April and playing his way into the Ivory Coast squad for the very first time.

This summer will be different to last in that Boro won't need to dramatically overhaul their squad and replace a number of key players, as was the case 12 months ago - with Carrick starting last season with a new-look squad which inevitably took time to gel.

This summer he hopes to be adding to an already healthy-looking squad rather than replacing stars, which should help the new signings as they find their feet on Teesside - with Latte Lath evidence that fine signings don't always shine from day one.


“I think with Manu, we’ve seen the benefit of having a good run in the team and getting used to the players in and around you," said Carrick.

"It’s not chopping and changing every week so the boys can develop that understanding and know each other’s strengths, how, when and where you like to receive the ball etc.

"It’s simple things at times, but that extra bit of connection and understanding that you build over time can be the difference.

"For Manu, in terms of the positions he’s been taking up, the variety of goals he’s shown he can score and being able to get into a rhythm from being on the pitch regularly, I think he’s definitely felt the benefit as the season has gone on."

Latte Lath ended the season with 11 goals in his last 12 games. Come the end of the season, only five Championship players had scored more goals than the Boro marksman.

Carrick said: “Manu has had a fantastic season in many ways - from the way he’s adapted and settled in to become loved by everyone here because of how infectious is to the quality he’s shown on the pitch.

"He scored a lot of goals and the way he’s scored them - left foot, right foot, headers - he’s a real threat in the box, he’s a threat running in behind from deeper and he’s had a real impact for us, there is no getting away from that."