MIDDLESBROUGH continue to assess Isaiah Jones and Jonny Howson ahead of tomorrow night's game against Chelsea, but Michael Carrick has confirmed Emmanuel Latte Lath will definitely be missing.

Howson missed Saturday's Rotherham draw after suffering a knock in training, while Jones was forced off early on with a hamstring problem.

Boro will give the pair every chance to be involved at Stamford Bridge, but the game comes far too soon for Latte Lath, who has been missing since suffering an ankle injury in the very early stages of the first leg.

"We're still waiting to see on Jonny and Izzy," said Carrick.

"Manu is out a little bit longer. You won't see him for a little bit more time. We're still assessing Jonny and Izzy, trying to give him as long as we can to maybe be ready and in and around the squad."

The potential absence of Jones gives Carrick a dilemma. The Boro head coach went with three at the back and wing-backs for the first leg against Chelsea but there's no natural replacement for Jones if he wanted to again opt for that system.

The pace of Jones on the counter would also be a huge threat against a Chelsea team that need to make up the 1-0 deficit from the first leg. The fact Latte Lath is missing is a major blow for that reason.


Marcus Forss is in contention to make his first start since his return from injury after playing more than 70 minutes against Rotherham and scoring the equaliser, while Josh Coburn is also pushing to be in from the off. Paddy McNair is also now fit again but tomorrow's game will almost certainly be too soon for the Northern Ireland international to start.

Boro have a lead to defend but Carrick won't be over-defensive in his approach.

"It's a tough balance to get, of course, but we're treating it like every other game we go into, we're treating it to try to win the game and we have done that," he said.

“When we played Aston Villa, when we played Chelsea in the first leg, we've gone into both the games trying to win, hoping to win, expecting to win almost, and that won't change.

“We've got to understand the challenges and the situation through the game, managing the game as much as anything and the way the momentum could swing either way depending on what goal goes in.

“That's part of it, but still the focus is on how can we be our best version? Chelsea will bring what they're going to bring and it's about us controlling what we can, really.

"The squad is feeling good, preparation has been short but we're in the rhythm of training and playing games. It's business as usual in terms of rest and recovering and preparing and getting the balance right.

"As a group, the boys are hugely looking forward to the game. It's a great challenge for us to embrace and take on."