YOUNG Sunderland striker Max Thompson has left the club to "pursue other opportunities".

The 21-year-old, who joined the Black Cats from Burnley last summer, made 13 appearances for the Under-21s during his time on Wearside, scoring five goals.

Game-time has been hard to come by for the striker this season and it was mutually agreed that it was best for Thompson to look elsewhere in search of regular football.


Sunderland's head of academy Robin Nicholls said: “Max’s gametime has been limited this season and after maintaining an open dialogue with him throughout the past few months, all parties agreed that Max should be free to pursue new opportunities.

"His attitude and application has been great throughout his time at the club and I know how much he has enjoyed working with our staff – a sentiment that is shared by those who have played a role in Max’s development throughout the past year.

"All at the Academy of Light wish him the best of luck for the future and we will continue to support Max as he takes his next steps.”