LEWIS O'Brien needs surgery on the injury he suffered at Watford and the Middlesbrough loanee faces upto three months on the sidelines.

Michael Carrick has now confirmed O'Brien suffered a fractured tibia and ankle damage in the "innocuous" incident at Vicarage Road on Saturday. The 24-year-old is meeting with a surgeon early next week.

The injury is a major blow for Boro and for O'Brien, who arrived on Teesside desperate to prove a point on the back of a difficult 12 months after joining Nottingham Forest from Huddersfield Town in the summer of 2022. The midfielder had quickly established himself in Boro's team and impressed filling in at left-back before suffering the injury, which could rule him out until after Christmas.

"Lewis will be out for a period of time, it could be two to three months," said Carrick.

"It's disappointment really. He's going to see a surgeon at the start of next week. Hopefully he gets that surgery done, he'll come back with us, rehab and recover as soon as he can. He's a terrific lad and character and will do all he can to get fit as quickly as he can.

"I'm really disappointed for him because he's come in and fitted in so well and it's a big blow for us, but as well for Lewis. We'll work with him and get him back as quickly as we can.

"There's a fracture to the tibia as well as a little bit of ankle damage as well. It's unfortunate. It was innocuous, his foot got stuck in the turf and he took a bit of a kick at the same time.

"It's disappointing, really disappointing, but football is football and Lewis will make the best of the situation as much as he can and we'll have to move on quick."


Carrick says Boro and Forest will work together to decide the best course of action with O'Brien's rehab. On a personal level, it's a major setback for the midfielder, who joined Boro desperate to get his career back on track.

"He’s obviously a Nottingham Forest player ultimately, but that is something that we will need to work out with them," said Carrick.

“I’ve spoken to him. He’s disappointed. It’s a blow; no footballer wants to have any period out through injury. But he’s a fantastic character and he’ll do everything he can to be back as soon as possible, I have no doubt about that. "