HAVING made Middlesbrough "home", Matt Crooks was delighted to extend his contract with Boro - and is excited at what the side can achieve on the back of Michael Carrick's first full pre-season in charge.

Crooks has put pen to paper on a 12-month extension to his deal, meaning he'll stay at the Riverside until at least the end of the 2024-25 season.

Committing to the club for another year was a no-brainer for Crooks, who has loved his time on Teesside on and off the pitch since joining from Rotherham two summers ago.

"I'm really, really happy," he said.

"There have been been a lot of memories along the way that we've made so far; some real highs and some disappointments as well, but overall I've thoroughly enjoyed it. I've had a few different managers but I feel at home here and I'm happy to sign.

"In general my family have made Middlesbrough their home. That was a big part for me as well in committing my future. My family are really happy here and off the pitch that is massively important for me."

What is also of huge importance to Crooks is his work in the community and the Jordan Sinnott Foundation Trust, the charity set up in memory of his best friend who was killed in a brutal assault on a night out when he was just 25.

"The Sin Foundation is massive for me," said Crooks.

"After my kids, my missus and football, it's the biggest part of my life. It means a lot and I've had a lot of support from the club which is incredible. It's something I'll continue to do after football so I'll keep trying to do that."

Crooks has also been a huge supporter of the MFC Foundation.

He says: "I live in Middlesbrough so I see people all the time and we're here to do a job on the pitch but it's nice to be nice and that counts off the pitch."


On the pitch, Crooks is now relishing the campaign ahead after Carrick's first full summer in charge. Pre-season, he says, has gone well so far and the six new signings have slotted nicely into the group,

"It's been really good so far," he told the club website.

"We had a really good week in Portugal. The facilities were fantastic and the training was really good. The new lads were able to integrate which is good and I've been getting to know then. Obviously I did the diaries which is the most important part of the season for me!

"It's been good. There's a long way to go until the season but we know it will come round fast.

"We just want to get the games in. The training is important but you want the games in for match sharpness. Once the season starts they come at you thick and fast, it's just preparing ourselves for that first game.

"The coaching staff here, we all know what a good job they've done so far. I'm looking forward to seeing where this one takes us with a full pre-season under our belt.

"The lads are fantastic, that's another reason for me to commit. The dressing room has been top drawer through each season I've been here. The coaching staff as well.

"Even though I probably didn't play as much as I wanted to last season, I still came to training every day and enjoyed it. I felt I had a lot of respect from them and I gave it back in return. There's a real good feeling around the place."

Crooks has scored some crucial goals for Boro in his two seasons at the club so far, with his double against Reading and his late strikes against Norwich and Luton living long in the memory, but his stand-out moment so far, unsurprisingly, came at Old Trafford when he scored the equaliser against the club he played for and supported as a boy.

He said: "Man United is definitely. Reading was very cool as well but for an individual moment that will be difficult to top."