Lewis Hamilton is determined to have the final say after clearing the air with Fernando Alonso - and that means winning the Formula One world title.

The two drivers settled their differences on Thursday following the hornet's nest they stirred up during the Hungarian Grand Prix.

Current title leader Hamilton and reigning champion Alonso left the Hungaroring three weeks ago no longer on speaking terms in the wake of their qualifying feud.

That was instigated by Hamilton's decision to disobey team orders after he was told to allow Alonso by at the start of the final qualifying period.

That led to Alonso deliberately blocking Hamilton in the pit lane, and although the Spaniard initially clinched pole, he was demoted to sixth on the grid following an investigation by race stewards.

Hamilton went on to clinch a contentious win to open up a seven-point gap in the drivers' standings, but that was nothing compared to the gulf in his fractured relationship with Alonso.

The pair made peace at a hotel in Istanbul and offered their apologies to one other, after first saying sorry to team boss Ron Dennis for the furore they had caused.

Hamilton said: ''After the last race, I called Fernando and said 'look, we can't go through the next three weeks without talking, or relying on what the media are saying, that we're at war'.

''I said we needed to meet, to discuss the last race and how we can move forward because at the end of the day we're team-mates and we need to get on. He said 'I totally agree'.

''So yesterday we met up and it was really relaxed and chilled. I put my hands up and apologised for everything that went on at the last race, and he said 'yeah, me too'.

''I said 'I have nothing against you. It may appear it was aimed at you, but we need to figure how we can move forward'.

''I told him I still have a huge amount of respect for him and for what he has achieved.

''It was a discussion clarifying we do have respect for each other. The respect is there no doubt. He said 'I have no problems with you', and it is the same for me with him.

''I said that we have to keep on pushing for the team, and we're going to have a good battle until the end of the season.''

Hamilton insists he has an equal chance of going for the title, and that now is his main ambition.

''After having these two great weeks I've re-charged my batteries completely,'' he said.

''I've come here feeling as fresh as ever. After having all these discussions, I just feel relaxed and the team are moving forward.

''I have no doubt I have a great opportunity to win the championship.

''I'm in the best spot. I've got a great team, a great car and I'm very competitive."