Middlesbrough are closing in on two Turkey internationals and club chairman Steve Gibson last night revealed he hopes to bring a couple of 'spectacular' summer signings to the Riverside Stadium.

Boro chief executive Keith Lamb was in Istanbul yesterday having contract talks with Fenerbahce striker Tuncay Sanli and Trabzonspor midfielder Karadeniz Gokdeniz and negotiations are thought to have gone well.

And with Arsenal's French forward Jeremie Aliadiere also close to completing a move to Teesside, manager Gareth Southgate is making progress in his attempts to bolster his squad.

But Gibson - the money man behind attracting the likes of Fabrizio Ravanelli, Juninho and Paul Gascoigne to Teesside - wants more to follow.

He admitted that as well as a midfielder and two strikers, Southgate was also looking to bring in a right-midfielder and a right-back in the coming months and expects Boro fans to be excited by the faces that are drafted in.

"We have four targets in our sights and we hope one or two will be spectacular," said Gibson, who was reluctant to reveal the identities of the players involved.

"The most important thing is that we deliver players and not talk about them until we do. There will be plenty of time to talk about them if we deliver them."

Despite the departure of chief European scout Don Mackay to Leicester recently, Gibson believes Middlesbrough's talent-spotting network has reached new heights.

"We are very busy and we have some big targets," said the Boro chief.