AUDLEY HARRISON is convinced he can still win a world title as he prepares to step into the ring once again.

The 41-year-old heavyweight was widely written off after suffering the latest setback in a frustrating career with defeat to David Price last October.

It was Harrison’s sixth loss since turning professional in 2000 but he has not lost any of his ambition.

Reinvigorated by success in the recent Prizefighter competition, Harrison takes on hard-hitting unbeaten American Deontay Wilder in Sheffield on Saturday.

Harrison said: ‘‘I knew after Prizefighter I was going to get opportunities. I was so good in that, I created a stir.

‘‘I said I was looking for someone in the top ten and so I couldn’t ask for anyone better than America’s next big thing. Beating him would put me back in the top ten, eligible to fight for world titles, which is my goal.

‘‘After David Price people thought they wouldn’t see me again, but setbacks pave the way for comebacks.

‘‘I am still living my dream and focused on my goal of becoming world champion.

“At 41, I am a complete fighter, very rounded and I am ready to go.”