CONGRATULATIONS to the campaigners of Rockingham Drive, Bishop Auckland, for a successful campaign resulting in the installation of “speed tables” on the road which runs through their estate.

Pressure from local residents has obliged local government to address a particular issue.

The letter from Michael Loughram (HAS, June 1), however, does rather let the cat of the bag.

This was never anything to do with accidents or speeding but rather to do with the volume of traffic through the estate.

Consequently, I still stand by the issue I highlighted in my original letter (HAS, May 30).

I question whether Durham County Council should be spending scarce resources on ensuring that residents can exit their cul-de-sacs at peak times, when a major road leading to the local hospital resembles a farm track.

Incidentally, I’m a seasoned driver with extensive experience of these traffic-calming devices and I still maintain, despite assurances from the local authority, that these particular “speed tables” are too steep. I predict there will be problems.

VJ Connor, Bishop Auckland.