VJ CONNOR’S letter, (HAS, Nov 15) mentions the EU’s responsibility for causing the Eurozone crisis. This point is all too rarely being heard.

Obviously, the credit crunch didn’t start in Europe but the nature of the Eurozone crisis is unique.

The fact is, the euro was never created in order to ease trade , as claimed. It was created to bind the countries of Europe together into a political union, thereby creating the United States of Europe. The institutions of the European Union were designed to be the government of this new country. Yet the peoples of Europe were neither told, nor given referendums on this matter, despite it being, surely, of overwhelming importance.

The need for such deception was obvious. Why would any sane person want to leave the running of their country to the secretive, undemocratic EU? We, the so-called scare mongers and xenophobes, in UKIP have been shouting about this for decades.

The euro currency might have worked if all European national economies were miraculously balanced. Alas, they aren’t.

Having flexible interest rates to suit your nation’s economy really does matter, after all. So does limiting the numbers of quangos and civil servants. Time to join UKIP.

Charlotte Bull, Darlington.