PEOPLE who have no job need the care of the welfare state while they find work, but if they do not try hard enough to find a job in the eyes of the Government their benefit is cut.

No benefit means no way to pay bills or shop in the local economy. These people become an even bigger burden on the state.

Now,we hear there is a proposal to make people take a job up to 90 minutes travel time away from home.

In 90 minutes, I can be in Blyth – how could I hold down a job there and live in Darlington?

The result would be an increase in carbon output for the travel, three hours on top of a shift of work leading to an increase in stress and a diminution of family life, plus the substantial cost involved.

The steady erosion of public transport makes it virtually essential to own a car.

None of the Government’s proposals make any sense, and the punishments they intend to attach for non-compliance are criminal. How long will we stand by and accept this? Put pressure on your MP now.

Chris Kirk, Brompton.