I WOULD like to thank Daz Crame for his very kind remarks, made in response to my letter requesting information about the SS Strathaird taking troops from Brest to Plymouth, in June 1940 (HAS, Oct 7).

Can I assure Mr Crame that, had he been a serviceman during those days, his attitude would have been the same as my own.

There were good times and bad, but we were all in it together, civvies and servicemen, and with a great spirit of camaraderie which I now miss.

Incidentally, I did a further two year tour to the Far East, serving in India, Burma, Singapore, Sumatra and Ceylon I look at it this way – I travelled widely all at the King’s expense and am grateful that I am still here while, alas, many of my then-contemporaries are not.

Bill Callen, Richmond.