I WAS amazed to read that Lord Lawson and other economists are suggesting that the top 50 per cent tax rate should be scrapped.

They argue that it inhibits entrepreneurship.

It is hard to accept professional footballers as entrepeneurs, though they seem experts at legal tax avoidence.

Revenue and Customs officials are investigating a growing trend for payments to be paid into player-controlled companies under the guise of “image rights” earnings.

According to some estimates, the tax man could be losing out to the tune of £100m a year.

Other shining examples of entrepreneurship, who deserve this tax cut, would be the bankers who got us into the current mess.

It was good to read of Sir Stuart Rose refuting the argument, almost suggesting that the top tax rate should rise and certainly not be reduced.

I often feel that Lord Lawson would prefer a system where the less you earn, the greater proportion of it would be taken as tax.

Eric Gendle, MIddlesbrough.