MY daughter is going to have a baby in December and we are all over the moon. We are also glad to know that it is a boy, so that we can prepare appropriately, namely blue not pink for the nursery and jumpsuits.

But once again Europe is trying to bring in a ludicrous ‘one size fits all’ ruling that would spoil all of this.

They want to ban doctors from telling parents the sex of their unborn child.

Why? Because of the selective aborting of foetuses in some former Soviet states.

Why should that affect parents-to-be in the UK, where this problem does not exist and where the sex of the foetus is not usually discovered until 20 weeks, when it is too late to have an abortion anyway, except on medical grounds?

The Council of Europe, which is making this recommendation, does not have the power to impose its recommendations on governments, but they are frequently enacted as a result of conventions and treaties. The committee’s draft resolution will go before the council’s full parliamentary assembly next month.

I know my daughter and her husband, like many other parents-to-be in the North-East, would feel pretty angry and disappointed to hear they can’t be told the gender of their unborn child So write to David Cameron and tell him that you are sick of EU meddling and want a referendum – so that you can show your feelings in a democratic manner.

Dave Brothers, Durham.