WE have heard much criticism from business leaders of the 50p tax rate.

However, the average increase in take home pay for the same group has been 187 per cent over the past eight years.

Moreover, it appears that 90 per cent of the pay structures are bonus related. There is no correlation between bonus and performance.

One of the fears expressed is that high taxation will result in a mass exodus of entrepreneurs.

But nature abhors a vacuum.

Lost leaders would be replaced, perhaps by people willing to take on the same roles for less money.

This is, after all, how business deals with the labour costs at the lower end of the employment structure by paying low wages, moving work to developing countries or relying on the influx of immigrants with temporarily lowered expectations.

If you don’t wish to pay your share through taxation may I suggest you hand in your British passport and leave.

B Jackson, Sacriston.