I am aghast that Kelsay Donkin was not imprisoned having been found guilty of a public order offence during which she shouted “bang, bang” behind PC Rathband, the police officer who lost his sight in an attack by Raoul Moat (Echo June 30).

Here was a perfect opportunity for the courts to imprison her for three months, and send out a clear message to Donkin and her peers that a civilised society will not tolerate this kind of loathsome behaviour.

But no, the judge gives this jobless 22-year-old mother of three a 12-month supervision order. Donkin could hardly keep the smirk off her face.

When is this country going to have judges who have the courage to pass sentences on people like Donkin that reflect public opinion?

What PC Rathband and his colleagues must think I can only imagine would be unprintable in a family newspaper.

E Armstrong-Brooks, Barmpton Village, Darlington.