DAVID CAMERON blithely states we will remove all our combat soldiers from Afghanistan by 2015 – just before a possible election.

Does he not realise he is condemning more of our young men to die in the deserts of Afghanistan before then?

The simple truth is, we have lost the war.

We elect people who do not give a damn about the consequences of their actions.

The march against the war in Iraq was one of the biggest, but Tony Blair went ahead and invaded. It is not the politicians to blame, it is us who elect them and we never seem to learn from past mistakes.

Now in my eighties, I watch the sad decline of our country and the future looks bleak.

Western capitalist nations are in terminal decline and, as other empires, will fall from within.

It is probably futile for me to say wake up before it to too late.

Hugh Pender, Darlington.