SATURDAY’S Hear All Sides attracted several letters about the conflict in Libya, two of which appeared to be just another excuse to beat up the Government.

With the action over Libya, I’m still at the stage of asking why?

Why interfere in any civil war and why this one in particular?

I don’t know how many civil wars are currently taking place throughout the world, but there will probably be at least a dozen.

We haven’t deemed it necessary to interfere in any of them with, or without, a UN resolution.

Surely with Libya the “devil we know” with its current regime, might be better than an unpredictable alternative.

Finally, your correspondent P Holmes lost me in his final paragraph, where he/she refers to the English as opposed to the British recognising that others don’t share our values.

Are English values different from British values?

As a Scot who has lived on Teesside for the best part of 40 years, I have been under the impression that I still lived within the UK and it was the Government of the UK which sanctioned its troops taking action over Libya.

Ken Russell, Thornaby.