I CANNOT believe the Government. They say it is all Labour’s fault that they have inherited a mess and that’s why they have to cut people’s jobs.

They, after asking us to swallow this garbage, then decide to embark on yet another foreign folly.

I have the greatest sympathy with the desire of the Libyan people for democracy, but here lies the sick joke – dozens and dozens of cruise missiles fired against targets.

The cuts had nothing to do with cuts and more to do with ideology. There is always money for war.

Ian Campbell, Sherburn Village.

BRITAIN has declared a cowardly aerial war on the longstanding dictator Colonel Gadaffi and his Libyan people.

How can we have such double standards?

We have no right to assume the moral high ground against Libya when our own country is nothing if not a de facto dictatorship masquerading as a parliamentary democracy.

I am referring, of course, to the Queen who year in year out is allowed to strut the world stage as our head of state without ever having to seek election from the downtrodden people of this land.

What isn’t fully appreciated is that social inclusiveness is just as much a dirty idea here as it is in Libya.

Aled Jones, Bridlington.

IT is now becoming obvious that the UN Resolution to enforce a No Fly Zone over Libya is a complete sham.

British and French forces are now bombing Gaddafi’s foot soldiers and tanks at will. Since when could soldiers and tanks fly?

Ah but, I hear you say, a UN resolution was also passed to protect civilians. Allegedly.

Armed rebels are now attacking towns along the northern coast of Libya as they march towards Tripoli. Does this not endanger civilians?

It surely does, but we don’t bomb these rebels because they are anti-Gaddafi.

I believe the UN Resolution demanded an immediate ceasefire – was this just by Gaddafi? David Cameron admits we are in “proper contact” with the rebels, with a view to help with the transition from the Gaddafi regime.

The US is eager to back away from this one, and the Russians now accuse us of bias – and they are right of course.

We’re taking sides.

Dean Mels, Durham.