SO who does rule the UK?

Certainly not our Parliament or Government.

According to England’s most senior judge, rulings by the European Court of Human Rights (EHCR) are the law of the land in Britain.

The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Judge, said that the Human Rights Act, introduced by the last Labour Government, meant British judges must follow the decisions set down in Strasbourg, “no more and no less”.

At a time of high tension between Westminster and the court in Strasbourg over the right of prisoners to vote, this comes as a stark warning to those so infatuated with our European rulers.

Not only do we have to bow to the EU, but we have to abide by the legal interpretations made by the laymen in the ECHR – judges without legal qualifications.

At least give us the chance to vote on our submission.

Give us a referendum on EU membership.

Dave Brothers, UKIP County Durham.