DAVID CAMERON appointed Sir Philip Green to advise on where “savings” (which really means cuts) can be made as part of the Government’s ideologicallydriven austerity measures.

Mr Green recently transfered ownership of Arcadia Group, which includes stores such as Topshop, to his wife, Tina.

She lives in Monaco. This means the tax bill which Arcadia pays is dramatically reduced.

Wake up people, the biggest threat to local services is not local government.

It is from a central government full of millionaires and hypocrites. It’s also from their rich allies in business who only think of themselves and how they can get richer.

“We’re all in this together” is dissembling.

It reminds me of the TV sketch where General Melchett’s character says to Blackadder before the big push “if you should falter, we’ll be right behind you”.

Yes, about 35 miles behind us or, in this case, from the luxury apartments of places like Monaco.

Lesley Allen, Newton Aycliff