TWO facts exist about the present spending cuts. Firstly, they are absolutely necessary, Labour’s legacy mandated that.

Secondly, we are all going to be affected.

Why, then, do certain groups believe themselves to be above these cuts? The reason is purely political. It is to scare the electorate and turn them against the Government. Council leaders are the main culprits: because of their irresponsible and profligate spending in recent years, they now have a scapegoat, the coalition.

When the brakes are applied to their wanton use of taxpayers’ money, the councils deliberately target services which create an emotive response – eg, care homes, old people’s centres and the like – while still paying themselves and their executives grossly disproportionate salaries.

Now, even public servants such as the police, are making the same noises. Again, serious attention should be paid to previous years of extravagance before blaming the coalition’s response.

And instead of being positive in planning how to cope with the cuts, trades unions call for action, which is always counter-productive.

Even Middlesbrough’s Mayor, Ray Mallon, an eternal self-publicist, spends money on a survey to establish how worse off we are going to be (Echo, Feb 2).

We know that fact – more importantly, we know why.

Let’s get on with it.

Colin T Mortimer, Pity Me, Durham City.

IF there was another General Election next week, David Cameron and Nick Clegg would be ousted. How long before they ruin our country, just like Margaret Thatcher did, and leave it to Labour to carry the can as usual?

D Chapman, Darlington.