ARE we expected to congratulate Malcolm Poole over refusing to keep his pet on a lead in the dog control area in Centre Square, Middlesbrough (Echo, Jan 20)? I hope not.

As a dog owner myself, I suspect that, even taking account of his disability, if he cannot walk his small dog on a lead for fear of being pulled over then the dog is in need of training. There are many dog trainers and training clubs which offer short courses for the Kennel Club’s Good Citizen Dog Scheme.

Mr Poole could be helped, at a fraction of his court costs, to teach his dog to walk safely on a lead.

Much as we may love our own pets, not everyone is obliged to feel the same. Indeed, some people do not like or are afraid of dogs so dog control areas should be respected.

The growing trend for some dog owners to walk their dogs anywhere off-lead – often in unsuitable places – can only result eventually in more restrictions as to where we can take our dogs at all.

“No Dogs” signs are springing up all over – unfortunately, not without good reason as fouling tends to become an issue with off-lead dogs.

Anne Reynolds, Crook, Co Durham.