THE global warming debate has thrown up some interesting ideas and wild theories, but nothing as far fetched as the attempt by B Jackson to link the accepted increase in carbon dioxide emissions of one hundredth of one percent (from 0.027 per cent to 0.038 per cent) to one’s location on the surface of the planet (HAS, Jan 24) .

He quite rightly asserts that this increase amounts to about 40 per cent and offers the thought that if I were to uproot my home and move 40 per cent of the way across the earth I would encounter a very different climate.

That may be, depending on the direction in which I headed.

But let us suppose that the CO2 increase were much greater – 100 per cent – then relocation of 100 per cent would take me right round the globe and back home to Durham where I’ve lived contentedly for 40 years.

He needs to try and find another way to prove the impossible.

David Lacey, Durham