WHAT makes a good actor?

Not always someone constantly in the limelight, yet so often the ability to perform lies with the image projected by celebrity. But there is a natural stream of talent that avoids stardom.

The actor Pete Postlethwaite, who died recently, might not have been a household name. I cannot recall him being on screen, or being interviewed in the media unless it was to talk about a play or film in which he was appearing.

In every role he played, the character he portrayed was carefully crafted with great attention to detail.

He was committed to the role, but was not typecast because there was variety in the drama and total quality in his performances, Pete Postelthwaite had that rare quality.

He made a part his own – but not with some grand entrance. It was memorable because it had character.

Perhaps it is why Steven Spielberg dubbed him as “probably the best actor in the world”.

Bernie Walsh, Coxhoe.

LIKE many other people I was surprised and saddened to hear of the death of that fine actor Pete Postlethwaite at the age of 64. I have some theatre programmes for the Billingham Forum from 1973.

Pete Postlethwaite is listed as a regular actor for the Forum Theatre Company.

The profile of Mr Postlethwaite in the programme stated that his main interests centered around reading and football. I wonder which team he used to support?

Martin Birtle, Billingham.