I FIND it interesting to read all the opinions in support of stopping or reducing bankers’ bonuses. A credible argument in view of the damage done.

But I ask, shouldn’t Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, the two who oversaw the decade of rampant overspending, also be held to account?

On the back of his period in office, Mr Blair is now raking in millions through his book and speaking engagements, and if the ex-Chancellor goes down a similar route, a substantial “responsibility fee” from both would top up any contribution from the bankers.

David Waring, Brompton.

WARRANT Officer Class 2 Karl Ley has been awarded the George Medal for defusing 140 roadside bombs, thus saving the lives of hundreds of his comrades in Afghanistan.

When interviewed, he simply said that he was doing his job.

What a contrast to our bankers who are unwilling to do their job without a six or seven figure bonus each year and an unwillingness to pay 50 per cent tax on the enormous sums involved, with their threats to leave the country.

Perhaps if they were willing to pay the 50 per cent tax rate we could award suitable bonuses to the bomb disposal experts.

(would £10,000 per bomb seem reasonable bearing in mind that their lives are at risk every time?).

Eric Gendle, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough.