I WOULD dearly love to join in the chorus of ridicule aimed at Nick Clegg and his fellow Lib Dems.

Shortly before the election, I denounced Mr Clegg as a chancer and his party as an irrelevant side show.

However, the deranged reaction to the Coalitions plans to cut the crippling budget deficit, bequeathed by Labour, is not on my hymn sheet.

In his enthusiasm to appease the Lib Dems, David Cameron has forgotten that almost 11 million people voted Conservative at the last election.

In Opposition, Mr Cameron promised to repeal the European Human Rights Act, incorporated in its entirety into British law by Tony Blair, who hailed it his “proudest act” in government.

Thanks to seedy deals stitched up in the back rooms of Westminster, there have been too many concessions given to the Prime Minister’s Lib Dem partners.

I never voted for that.

Des More, Darlington.