RE Ian Walker’s observations about disappearing blackbirds (HAS, Oct 23). I, too, have noticed the absence of blackbirds from our garden. My wife and I have for a little time now wondered where our pair of blackbirds had gone.

It was always a joy to hear them singing. So tame, they came to our door – and then suddenly no blackbirds.

On seeing Mr Walker’s letter my wife decided to look in our Birds of Great Britain book and found the following: “Turns over leaves and soil in search for food.

Not usually gregarious, but large numbers may roost or migrate together. Resident. Also summer and winter visitors, and many birds breeding here leave in autumn.”

K Wells, Sedgefield, Co Durham.

RE Ian Walker’s missing blackbirds (HAS, Oct 23). We have a pair of blackbirds who nest and frequent our garden along with 50 to 60 small birds during the summer and winter months.

Three weeks ago the garden was silent, not a bird in sight apart from a single crow on each chimney stack. We saw no birds for more than a week.

So, although on Monday this week the birds were back feeding in the garden, they were few in number.

A neighbour had sighted a kestrel on one occasion, which leaves us wondering: have they emigrated, gone on holiday or been mugged?

Mrs Irene Littlejohns, Tow Law, Co Durham.