I AM becoming increasingly frustrated and annoyed at the way shop staff treat customers.

I’m all for courtesy and assistance where necessary but it seems there is a “sausage factory” somewhere churning out clones who work in shops.

Standing at Morrison’s checkout recently with two items I was asked if I needed help with my packing. The till operator didn’t look at my items or if I was capable of carrying half a kilogram of produce.

In Barclays, I finally reach one of the three manned cashiers to be greeted with, “Sorry for your wait, thank you for your patience”.

What, actually, were my other options? Perhaps if they opened more cashiers, the wait would be significantly reduced.

And why must I be offered credit cards, insurance or extended warranties when all I bought was an alarm clock for £9.99?

Come on retail management, stop patronising customers..

Marc Kay, Darlington.